Relocate things that drip over things that collect drips
drip drip. Hear that? That is the sound of a stalagmite forming beneath your soap dispenser. drip drip. Sponge drips erode your counter tops. drip drip. A cavern has formed beneath the sink. drip drip. Your mother is disappointed in you. drip drip. Your life has dripped away.
The importance of putting things that drip over things that collect drips cannot be overstated. Save time cleaning and make your home more pleasant by placing things that drip over things that collect drips.
What drips?
Things that drip in my life include: dish wand, soap dispenser, coffee machine, sponges, dish cloths, bars of soap, shampoo bottles, my eyes when I watch the first fifteen minutes of Pixar's UP.
Dripping solutions
There are a few solutions to dripping.
- Prevent the dripping at the source — fix or remove the thing that drips. e.g. a leaky tap.
- Relocate the thing that drips so it drips into an existing drip collector. e.g acquire a caddy that sticks to the side of the sink, then your sponges and cloths will drip down the plug hole.
- Place a drip tray or easily cleaned mat under the thing that drips. e.g. place a tray under the industrial sized soap dispenser that sits under the sink.