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Sort out your phone notifications

I recently went to a funeral. The entire ceremony was interrupted by phones going off, beeps here, buzzes there. I looked around and everyone just kept checking their phone. Every single mourner, the priest, and to my horror — even the deceased was looking at their phone.

Now, while that story isn't true, it is completely believable — which is enough to illustrate how bad the situation has become.

Take back time, attention, and a modicum of agency from our techno overlords. Sort out your phone notifications.

How to sort out phone notifications

We can sort notifications into three categories:

Go to the settings on your phone — for each app you can adjust your preferences for the notifications.

What is Scheduled Summary?

Scheduled Summary is a feature on iOS devices. It allows you to receive notifications in one batch at a specified time each day. This prevents you from being continuously interrupted.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available on Android phones. So, the next best thing you can do is set time insensitive notifications for chosen apps to silent. They'll still appear in your notifications, but they wont interrupt you.

How to set up scheduled summary on iOS?

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Navigate to Notifications
  3. Select Scheduled Summary
  4. Choose a time for your Scheduled Summary
  5. Enjoy the silence